Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Still recovering...from the weekend!

What a weekend! I knew looking at my calendar on April 25, that I would be wiped out by the end of the weekend but I was not really expecting to be exhausted!

Thursday evening and early Friday morning, I crammed for my final exam toward my Credit Designation. I had done well in all my earlier assignments, so I was not too nervous. But I wanted the whole thing to be over. It 24 minutes, I wrote my exam, submitted it to the instructor, shook his hand and left the college - forever! Yipee!

I decided that I deserved some retail therapy and purchased the required uniform for a PJ party - cute PJ's! Then I dashed home for a quick nap so I could stay up all night!

I attended the Scrapping Nook's Annual PJ party crop on Friday night and it was fantastic!
I got so much accomplished - I made over 40 cards and decorated my letter V for the store. Just cropping with my friends was a celebration for me - love being with Heather and Debbie anytime! Jan, Karen, Tara, Patti, Elia and Janice made it more fun...and of course, Matt - our special guy for the night.

I actually made it to 6 am when my body overpowered my brain and sent me home. After a power-shop for groceries...I finally got to bed at 9 am! I was only allowed a quick nap - then off to my nephew, Brandon's 6th birthday party. By 2 pm - I was done...and slept until Sunday morning!

They say that you can't catch up on sleep...I tried all day on Sunday to catch up on Friday's all night escapade. I failed miserably and was still groggy on Monday, proving to myself that I am getting old and can't party like I used to!

It's Wednesday and I am feeling human again. Just about time for another weekend of scrappin'! ;)


Tara said...

So happy for you that you got your last exam over with!! YAY!! And so jealous that you get to hang out at the of these days I'll get there!!!

Holly A said...

Congrats on finishing up your exam. Glad you were able to celebrate with the PJ crop. It sounds like it was productive, and a lot of fun, too!

Holly A said...

Hey Vanessa, I thought I would give you a little nudge to get you blogging again.

Check out my blog - Tag, you're it!